Maja Rutkowski ponders over a First Communion gift for her son. «Jet Plane or Submarine»

Krzysztof and Maja Rutkowscy value lavish living and grand celebration of the most important stages of their lives. The couple likes to organize luxurious parties. Two important celebrations await them in May.

We want to organize Krzyś junior’s communion party and at the same time our church wedding. I’m a perfectionist, I’ve been planning this for two years. Almost everything is already ordered and booked. We already have beautiful invitations. I think there will be about 150 guests, but in fact there will probably be more people, because Krzysztof often expands this list. The menu will be typical for a wedding, and of course there will be other attractions such as photo booths and live music bands. Since we are combining these two events, the fun will start quite early, in the afternoon.

  • The next day is Krzyś’s First Communion and then we all want to focus on the spiritual dimension of this celebration, which our son experiences — Maja Rutkowski tells us. Maja Rutkowski is considering a gift for her son’s First Communion. «Jet Plane or Submarine»
    In an interview with ShowNews, Maja Rutkowski revealed what the wedding, which will take place at the beginning of May, will look like. It will be a family celebration and a slightly more modern wedding. We gave up, among others: from oczepiny. I am happy that I will be able to meet my family and friends. We live so fast and often miss our loved ones that we have to take advantage of opportunities like this.
  • I think it’s a nice situation for Krzyś, that his parents love each other and want to take an oath before God — assured the celebrity. Maja and Krzysztof Rutkowscy do not hide the fact that their son is the apple of their eye. Proud parents decided that at the First Communion party, guests would be able to give the 9-year-olds anything they wanted.

We do not prohibit our guests from buying specific gifts. If they want to buy him a jet plane or a submarine, for example, our son will get it

– she commented.

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