Zofia Kucówna fell in love with her friend’s husband. When she fell ill, he left for another actress

The news about Zofia Kucówna’s death was announced by the Association of Polish Stage Artists. The actress spent her last years in Skolimów. Writer Agata Tuszyńska talked about her last conversation with the artist, who had a premonition that she would soon die.

She smiled. There was light in her. And then she said that her mother and grandmother were waiting for her. We said goodbye for a moment

– she wrote on Instagram.

Zofia Kucówna fell in love with her friend’s husband. «She lost her head for him»
Zofia Kucówna mentioned in many interviews that she often thinks about the past. The actress has never hidden that she resents herself for breaking up her family and Adam Hanuszkiewicz’s family.

Zofia Kucówna met Jan Mayzel when she was only 20 years old. Even though many men competed for her favor, it was he who charmed the young actress. They got married before the artist completed her studies. At the beginning of their careers, Zofia Kucówna and Jan Mayzel performed together at the Young Spectator Theater in Krakow (now Bagatela), but fate took them in different directions. She went to Lublin, and he to Warsaw. In 1959, he invited the actress to the capital, where he introduced her to Tadeusz Kaźmierski and Irena Babel, the heads of the Powszechny Theater where he worked. The 26-year-old immediately received an offer to join the team, which she accepted with enthusiasm.

At that time, one of the biggest stars of the Powszechny Theater was Adam Hanuszkiewicz, who gained recognition throughout Warsaw. His wife, actress Zofia Rysiówna, also worked in the theater. The artist known for his penchant for flirting with beautiful women quickly became interested in his new friend. Zofia Kucówna rejected her older friend’s advances for a long time until she finally «fell madly in love with him, she simply lost her head for him.» Zofia Rysiówna tried to protect her relationship, but ultimately had to accept defeat when Adam Hanuszkiewicz decided to leave her for a younger actress. — I come from a broken family. I’ve broken more than one myself. Not everyone is capable of love, said the actor.

Zofia Kucówna could not count on her husband’s support. He quickly left her for another actress
Zofia Kucówna and Adam Hanuszkiewicz got married in 1976. Three years later, the actress suffered from breast cancer. Fortunately, she managed to overcome the disease. Unfortunately, not everything turned out like a fairy tale. Shortly after she recovered, she found out that her husband had fallen in love with another actress, Magdalena Cwenówna.

There’s less and less Adam in my life. He disappears for weeks. I don’t even know where to look for it

  • this is how Zofia Kucówna described the beginning of the crisis in her marriage in her book «Stop Time».

The couple divorced in 1989. — When the divorce came, there was no despair in me, only sadness. Breakup is always a disaster. But I couldn’t and I don’t blame anyone. Because I made my own choices, I placed my own feelings and I am responsible for my entire life — she said in an interview for «Wysokie Obcasy».

Zofia Kucówna did not attend the funeral of Adam Hanuszkiewicz, which took place at Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw in December 2011.

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