Basic rules for a healthy lifestyle

Everyone has heard the proverb “take care of your honor from a young age.” However, you should also take care of your health from a young age. Is the task difficult? Of course, it requires some effort. However, if you follow certain tips, anyone can do this task. These ten tips that will make life longer and more enjoyable were developed by doctors, nutritionists and psychologists. 1. Be sure to train your brain. The process of degradation of mental abilities can and should be prevented by studying foreign languages and solving crossword puzzles. Also try to do all calculations mentally, do not rush to reach for the calculator. You will be surprised, but this method will even help activate the heart, circulatory system, and improve metabolism.

  1. Work that he likes has an extremely good effect on a person. Idleness is not the best state, and working hard is even worse. Therefore, it is simply necessary to find an activity that brings joy. According to scientists, this even allows you to prolong youth.
  2. Try to protect yourself from overeating. For example, instead of the usual 2500 calories, consume 1500. Thanks to this, the cells will be unloaded and will be active. However, you should not go to extremes by excessively restricting yourself in food.
  3. Select the menu according to age. For example, nuts and liver are very beneficial for 30-year-old women — they slow down the appearance of wrinkles. Men over 40 are recommended to eat cheese and kidneys — the selenium they contain reduces stress. After 50 years, products containing magnesium are especially useful — it allows the heart to work better, as well as those containing calcium — it strengthens bones. Fish protects blood vessels and the heart. Eat only fresh foods. To do this, monitor the technical condition of your household appliances.
  4. Always try to form your own opinion about everything. This advice will help you get depressed as little as possible. Life will become more conscious.
  5. Endorphin, which is also called the hormone of happiness, is produced when falling in love. Love and tenderness are a great way to preserve youth. Therefore, try to find yourself a loved one and spend as much time with him as possible.
  6. Metabolism also depends on the temperature of the environment. Experts recommend going to sleep at a temperature of 17-18 degrees, that is, in a cool room.
  7. Movement is life. Even scientists have proven that even 8 minutes of exercise a day can prolong life. Athletics, gymnastics, and outdoor games have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs and strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Running is beneficial for the endocrine system and nervous system. Frequent walking removes excess weight — 1 hour of walking at a brisk pace can remove up to 35 grams of fatty tissue.
  8. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Despite all the above recommendations, pamper yourself from time to time. For example, something tasty.
  9. Try with all your might to suppress negative emotions in yourself. Anger is especially destructive. It has been scientifically proven that people who do not share their experiences, but scold themselves, are more at risk of developing diseases, even such as cancer. Arguing is even more useful than engaging in endless self-criticism and being angry with someone.
    However, in addition to the above tips, there are a few others to keep in mind. Although you should move as often as possible, rest is also necessary. It is extremely important to maintain a daily routine — without it you can become irritable, tired, prone to stress and prone to illness. Don’t forget to set aside time for sleep, food, and rest — this will not only improve your health, but also allow you to become more organized.
    We should also talk about the importance of sleep. In order for the nervous system to work well, you need to get enough sleep. Experts say that the average person needs 8 hours to sleep. Otherwise, rapid fatigue and low performance cannot be avoided. If you suffer from insomnia, try to completely relax an hour before bed, forgetting about both physical and mental stress. Meals should be no later than two hours before bedtime. Also, try to go to sleep at the same time every day.
    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important at any age. This is especially true for older people, otherwise obesity and diabetes may develop, the gastrointestinal tract will function worse, and metabolism will be disrupted. However, of course, any type of load is necessary in dosed form.
    You can react to such advice in different ways: some will find it easy, while others will find it too difficult or even impossible to implement. In any case, try to follow these recommendations. You will see for yourself how much life can change if you start to be a little more attentive to your body and lifestyle.

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