Some interesting facts about conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel

Abby and Brittany Hensel are one of the most famous Siamese twins, especially in the United States, where they were even filmed on a reality show. The 26-year-old sisters captivated Americans by becoming the embodiment of a real confrontation between two different personalities, who, by the will of fate, were shackled into one body. Yes, Hensel has one body and two heads, which is why they are nicknamed “the girl with two heads.” But they have a few more features:


  1. They have one body, but different vital organs. Each of the sisters has its own heart, stomach, lungs and even spine and spinal cord.
  2. Each of them controls its half of the body and one arm and one leg.3_result3. Because of this, it was difficult for them to learn to crawl, walk, or do something with their hands, because it had to be done in a coordinated and synchronized manner.4_result4. They have different gaits. Brittany walks on her toes more often.5_result
  3. The sisters’ parents immediately refused to separate them because the doctors did not promise a successful result.6_result6. When they turned 16, they allowed television crews to make their first documentary about them, and then a reality show.7_result
  4. Together they can walk, run, swim, drive and even ride a bike! They type on the computer. They just learned to cooperate and coordinate their actions. Where to go!
  5. In order to drive a car, each of the twins had to take a license.

8_result9. Abby and Brittany have completely different personalities. They even sew special clothes to suit everyone’s tastes.9_result10. Abby loves math, and Brittany loves literature.10_result

  1. In 2012 they graduated from the university.
  2. The sisters hope that they can find love and have children.


  1. The twins say they don’t mind being together, but they get very annoyed when they are photographed on the street without permission.
  2. At age 6, they appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show.


  1. Hensel loves to play musical instruments, bowling and volleyball.
  2. When they go to the theater, they buy two tickets.
  3. Since these are two different people, it happens that one is sick and the other is healthy. Brittany has had pneumonia twice already, but Abby has never had it.


  1. They also prepare different birthday cakes.
  2. Sometimes it’s hard to coordinate everything. One may want to eat or sleep, but the other may not.

14_result20. Brittany and Abby are elementary school math teachers.









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